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Saturday, May 31, 2008
Location: RVML - 258 A St, Ashland
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Seminar: Harmony and Healing- Five Keys That Bring Wholeness Into Your Life

Cost: $45.00


Leonard Laskow, MD- Website: http://www.laskow.net" Target="_blank">http://www.laskow.net
Dean Shrock, Ph.D.- Website: http://www.DeanShrock.com
Nancy Walsch- Website: http://www.nancywalsch.com
Robert Arnot- Website:
Bruce Rawles- Website: http://www.geometrycode.com" Target="_blank">http://www.geometrycode.com

Five local authors/presenters, representing diverse professional backgrounds in medicine, psychology, hypnotherapy, engineering and digital media will together offer a day long seminar with both lectures and experiential aspects on "Harmony and Healing: 5 Keys That Bring Wholeness Into Your Life."

Dean Shrock, Ph.D. will give the first of five hour-long presentations: Harmony is Coherence - Coherence is a way to understand the connectedness, harmony, and oneness of all life.

Nancy Walsch, CHT will give the 2nd presentation: Harmonizing the Conscious and Subconscious Mind - Remove blocks, create alignment to unleash creative energy and obtain your dreams.

Bruce Rawles will give the 3rd presentation: Unlocking Our Inner Geometric Code - Every day symbolic reminders that vaporize the veils of space, time and duality.

Robert Arnot will give the 4th presentation: Creating Coherent Homes - Using feng shui and vortex maps to create a coherent connection with the local and planetary energy fields

Leonard Laskow, M.D. will give the 5th presentation: Healing With Love: The Universal Harmonic - Simply dissolving the illusion of separation allows your essential nature, loving awareness, to shine forth.

A panel discussion concludes the day with a featuring all five presenters to integrate participant questions and comments.

Presenter's Biographies:

Dean Shrock, Ph.D. is a Mind-Body Medicine consultant for Triune Integrative Medicine in Medford, Oregon. He served as Director of Mind-Body Medicine for a physician management group of 40 cancer centers. Dr. Shrock is coauthor of the chapter "Mind-Body Medicine in Integrative Cancer Care" in Integrative Oncology, Andrew Weil MD and Donald Abrams MD, editors (in press). He also is author of "Doctor's Orders: Go Fishing", and his newest book that he's currently writing is titled, "Why Love Heals". He has made more than 1,000 professional and public presentations.

More information: (541) 826-7740, e-mail: dean@deanshrock.com

Website: http://www.deanshrock.com>

Nancy Walsch has always felt deeply connected to a profound sense of spirituality and a love for helping others. Nancy's spiritual path led her to nursing, and she earned Bachelor's Degree from the University of Wyoming, and was a Registered Nurse for twenty-two years. In 1996 Nancy retired from nursing and co-founded, with Neale Donald Walsch, the non-profit Conversations with God Foundation. She was the President of the Foundation, and a member of the Board of Trustees. She also co-facilitated four to five retreats a year. Nancy's earlier nursing experience, especially teaching at Rogue Community College, and working with families in their homes, helped prepare her for working with all the people who came to the retreats. In the retreats she lead guided visualization meditations which were very powerful and successful. Her past nursing experience, her natural gift creating these mediations, and her love of working with the participants, created a deep interest in hypnotherapy. In 2004 Nancy let go of her connections with the CwG foundation to pursue her new career. She is now a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, trained in Eriksonian hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists. Nancy blends the best of her trainings and experiences to assist her clients attain their goals, and create lasting positive changes in their lives. Individually-tailored sessions are available in her private office at Ashland Hypnotherapy, or by phone.

More information (541) 488-9212 e-mail: nancy@nancywalsch.com

Website: http://www.ashlandhypnosis.com

Dr. Leonard Laskow presents principles of holoenergetic healing in his breakthrough book, "Healing with Love". Highly recommended by Deepak Chopra, Larry Dossey, and Dolores Krieger, this book uses ancient and cutting-edge healing techniques, self awareness, energy work, and practical exercises to help one directly experience love as a healing force. In it Dr. Laskow describes his laboratory research, which documents the effectiveness of heart-focused holoenergetic techniques in significantly inhibiting the growth of tumor cells in tissue culture and bacterial growth in test tubes.

The book, originally published in 1992 by Harper Collins, has sold over 30,000 copies in eight languages. In subsequent research, Dr. Laskow has shown that the molecular configuration and properties of water and the physical structure of DNA can be changed by conscious intention, imagery and love.
Website: http://www.laskow.net" Target="_blank">http://www.laskow.net

Robert Arnot is currently the Project Engineer at Strawjet, Inc. in Talent, Oregon. The Strawjet invention is a system designed to take agricultural residue, such as rice and wheat straw, and turn it into a uniform, sustainable building material. Prior to this time, Robert was with Sandia National Laboratory as a manufacturing process development engineer and later held a position as a tenured professor at Oregon Institute of Technology. Robert's natural ability with feng shui and the chi field comes from the combination of having a scientific understanding of subtle energy and an awareness of many lifetimes as a feng shui master. His love of working with people, architecture, and landscape make these teachings highly relevant as we create a more coherent connection with the local and planetary energy field and the sense of harmony that results.

Bruce Rawles has a background in software and hardware engineering, online and audiovisual media, process improvement and community radio/television and educational programs. He has been both a presenter and staff/volunteer at RVML, and co-founder of a similar non-profit educational group in northern California. An avid networker, his lifelong metaphysical inquiry has lead to explorations including the Great Pyramid, Freemasonry, archetypal symbolism, ancient Hermetic Laws, digital art inspired by planetary orbital resonances, study of A Course In Miracles and numerous related mystical cosmologies, as well as practical applications of modern quantum physics. He is the author of "Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook" and the forthcoming book "Geometry Code", now excerpted in the Screensaver eBooklet of the same name. His website devoted to sacred geometry and interconnected subjects is http://www.geometrycode.com" Target="_blank">http://www.geometrycode.com; his blog and other interests are at http://www.brucerawles.com


RENT RVML's LECTURE HALL: The 1,000 Sq.ft. presentation area is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible with full audio-visual capabilities. Eighty folding chairs can be arranged in different configurations for meetings, lectures and gatherings. -$15.00 per hour. Other publicity and production services availible. http://www.rvml.org/contact.shtml

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