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Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Location: RVML - 258 A St, Ashland
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Olivier Hetzel
Lecture: Rainbow Economics & Complementary Currency
By Olivier Hetzel

$5.00 - 20.00 Suggested donation, everyone welcome

Presentation Description:

Money is about to undergo a fundamental evolutionary step into community currencies. Conventional money as we know it has a built in architecture that leads to scarcity and centralization, and is not appropriate for dealing with today's global systemic challenges. Just as there are now millions of media outlets, currencies will follow this same evolution by shifting from centralized authoritative models to distributed ones that generate sustainability, and can handle to complexity of the modern world. Communities of all types will then be able to create their own currencies for their own marketplace and thereby liberate their wealth potential. This will become the most important evolution for society in the coming years.

As we can see from this introduction to an international seminar on alternative economics, leading researchers on financial models for the future agree that a profound mutation is underway. How can we recognize the morphing structures of new socio-economic systems? How can we start using them in our everyday lives, assimilate and propagate new concepts for generating and exchanging real wealth, therefore participating in the transformation of the new world order rather than being subjected to it.

Presenter's Biography:

Olivier Hetzel, originally from France, is a creative entrepreneur, alternative economist, self-taught architect and builder, dancer, healer, long time meditator and jack of all trades. He has been developing and managing the Auroville Cheese Farm company for 20 years, and is the initiator of the ACCESS project, a complementary currency exchange system for the Auroville bio-region. He has recently written "The Future of Economy," a booklet elaborating a new concept of seven different levels of economics for intentional communities. He practices energy healing and body consciousness yoga, and gives body awareness and dancing exploration coaching for personal growth and development.


TUESDAY LECTURE SERIES FORMAT: 90-120-minute lecture presentation including break and Q&A period. All events conclude promptly at 9:00pm.

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RENT RVML's PRESENTATION FACILITIES: The 1,000 square-foot (15'x65') presentation area is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible with full audio-visual capabilities available.

Eighty folding chairs can be arranged in different configurations for meetings, presentations, video screenings or other events. $15.00 per hour. Other publicity and production services available.

More information: http://www.rvml.org/contact.shtml

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